Welcome to my website...
Here you can find out about me, my writing, any books I have for sale and news about writers and writing in Bass Coast.

This Home Page is a also source of information about Bass Coast writers and writing events, and forthcoming opportunities for writers. Feel free to contact me with any news or events you would like shared here!
Meanwhile, scroll down to see the latest offerings...
My books for sale
Available from Turn the Page Bookshop, 40A Thompson Ave, Cowes VIC 3922. Phone (03) 5952 1444
Minibeasts of Phillip Island Millowl insects, spiders, molluscs and crustaceans. $19.99 Aus

Still some copies left with me at home. The Lost Blanket - children's picture story book, paperback, 10"x10". Themes of wildlife, animal behavior, telling the time in morning, afternoon, evening and night - digital and clock face, friendship and family. Yes, it has a happy ending ! $19.99 Contact me via

I also have a number of free history books available for download on the websites of Phillip Island & District Historical Society and Phillip Island Conservation Society. See the Books and Sales page for details.
My latest Bass Coast Post article questions Susan Ley's view of history:
'Pillage and Plunder in Warn Marin Western Port'
You can read my essay here: https://www.basscoastpost.com/christine-grayden/pillage-and-plunder-in-warn-marin-western-port
While editing and doing layout/index for my friend John Jansson's book A Source Book of Western Port Maritime History, I have learnt a great deal of very surprising colonial history. For example,
"In his extensive research for this source book, John discovered many references to the early colonial industries carried on in and around Warn Marin Western Port. Here are the main ones: Sealing, swanning, mangrove burning for barilla ash, wattle bark (mimosa) harvesting, a massive timber industry, coal exploration and mining, sheep import and export, oystering, illegal landing of Chinese immigrants, salt mining, fishing, crayfishing, pleasure cruising, boat building."
Many of these colonial activities predated permanent settlement in the area, and were carried on with no control at all in a 'Wild West' atmosphere, where the distant authorities made noises about curbing the murder and abduction of the local Bunurong Boonwurrung population, but actually did very little. They were after the income from the exports, and as with the vast majority of colonial expansion, the local indigenous people were just accepted collateral damage.
There's also some interesting Bass Coast news in this edition, and also some other writers' contributions. Always worth exploring our much-loved Bass Coast Post. Next edition will be February 28, 2025.
Image is a lithograph from 1830s showing sealers on Phillip Island Millowl with an Aboriginal woman going in to their hut on the rise. Sealers Hut, Western Port: ‘Habitation de Pecheurs de Phoques au port Western (Nouvelle Hollande)’ Langlume, circa 1833. Print: lithograph with later hand colouring. State Library of Victoria. The sealers arrived very quickly, and stole Aboriginal women from Lutruwita Tasmania, Bass Strait islands, Western Port and Port Phillp Bays.

Advance Notice for Nature Book Week!

Are you a writer who has a nature book just out, or in the pipeline?
Or maybe you know about Nature Book Week and are planning an event?
Either way, the Wilderness Society would love to hear from you if you would like to participate in their annual Nature Book Week, running from Saturday 11 October until Sunday 19 October. Here's the information from them:
"We're so excited to be back planning the Wilderness Society’s annual, all-ages program of nature-themed storytelling events in 2025.
While many of you will be planning your programs for the year, I hope you consider including a Nature Book Week event—or series of events!—which we’d be delighted to help promote once the details are finalised. 💚📚
And if you know any libraries, schools, bookshops or individuals who might also be interested in celebrating Nature Book Week, email me at nbw@wilderness.org.au! "
Or visit the website page here: https://www.wilderness.org.au/environment-award-for-childrens-literature/nature-book-week?utm_source=breaking-news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=naturebookweek
You can sign up there to be kept up to date via email.
They will be in touch again later in the year with more nature-themed event inspiration and resources.🌿 I'll keep you up to date here.
Is there a collective noun for Poets?
Here's an opportunity for a lovely regular gathering of poets at Wonthaggi Library
Writer Support Group @ Inverloch Library
Next session Friday February 28, 2.30 - 3.00 pm
A writers support group hosted on the last Friday of every month by Inverloch Library.
"Meet with like-minded authors and creatives to discuss your writing, any issues or blockages and gain support from other authors on the last Friday of every month at Inverloch Library. Note: this is not a writing group and no writing prompts are given, this is a group for support and discussion surrounding the topic."
To register go here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/writers-support-group-inverloch-library-tickets-1095741344859

AND...designed to get your to really focus in on your writing project - twice per month and free at Phillip Island library, Berninneit, Cowes:
Phillip Island Library has allocated a regular time and space each month for writers to get energy from each other in a quiet space, while working on their
writing projects!
This regular silent practice may just be the impetus you need to really get stuck into writing your novel, or poetry anthology,
blog posts, or even your dissertation.

Next session: Wednesday February 12, 2025, 10 a.m. - 12 midday
Every second Wednesday, 10 a.m. until 12 midday. Inside Berninneit (cultural centre) 91-97 Thompson Avenue Cowes, VIC 3922
Myli says: "Come along to Phillip Island Library to join the The Island Silent Writers - a group dedicated to providing a space for all writers to be encouraged in your writing discipline. This will run every month on the second Wednesday at 10am -12pm
This is a space perfect for writers of any project or any stage of the writing journey. Bring your laptop, notebook or writing device and immerse yourself in a silent writing session surrounded by fellow writers.
There will be opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals for the first 15 minutes and then the next one hour and forty five minutes is for you to dedicate yourself to your writing practice, each writer working independently in company.
There is no need to book for this event but if you would like an email reminder please register for a ticket".
Local Community Writers Groups
The Bass Coast Writers was founded in 2003 to support local writers, foster literary creativity, and to promote learning through friendly discussion and ad hoc writing exercises during the weekly meetings.
At the weekly meetings members are presented with a theme or prompt which forms the basis of the writing to be shared at the following meeting. The writing can be a story, an essay, a poem, an anecdote, a memory, an article or any other form. The diversity of interpretations of the theme is always a pleasant surprise. Members’ writings can inform, draw smiles, laughter or tears, inspire, encourage and spark discussion. It is a fun group to which new members of all writing style and capabilities are welcome.
The periodic production of an anthology, the first of which was published in 2003, encourages members through the publication of their work.
After the meetings, all members are invited to gather at a local café for a social get together.
Meetings are held on Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm, February to Mid-December, at the Inverloch Community House, Inverloch Hub, 16 A’Beckett Street, Inverloch. For further details contact Gayle Marien on gayleb@ozemail.com.au or the Inverloch Community House on 5674 2444 or office-ichi@dcsi.net.au

Phone them if you would like to go along and participate:
Ibis Writers meet at the Education Room at the National Vietnam Veterans Museum, Newhaven Phillip Island Millowl.
Phone Jane: 0498 064 248.
Their meeting dates for 2025 are:
March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 7, November 11, December 2.
To give you a taste of what Ibis Writers are working on, here's a report from their meeting in November 2024:
"John: Two readings. One, a piece on Australian History - Adventure Bay, on Bruny Island and early Dutch explorers. And second, a new instalment in Caz’ travails, this time she finds peace, perhaps, on the Murray River.
Robbo: on the meaning of life, in a few succint pages.
Lorry: vivid recollections and acute observations of fellow passengers on a slow tourist train trip around regional Victoria.
Steve: further progress, of a sort, of Australia’s newest undersea drone, and potential rival to AUKUS, in it’s sea trials."
Creative writers are welcome to join Ibis, which meets on the first Tuesday of the month (apart from January) at 1pm at the National Vietnam Veterans Museum in Newhaven. Some enjoy lunch at the museum’s Nui Dat Café beforehand. Ring Jane on 0498064248 for more information.
Book launch with Kevin Walsh at Wonthaggi Library
Saturday 15th February, starting 11 a.m.
Listen to Kevin's writing journey for his novel 'Malspite' and get inspired!
Free, but to reserve a spot, go here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/book-launch-with-kevin-walsh-at-wonthaggi-library-tickets-1109808309529?aff=odcleoeventsincollection

Coming up on March 1st at Wonthaggi Library
Something completely different, that sounds to be a fun way
to recharge your imagination batteries! For adults.
"Explore imagination through images, drawing, storytelling and other fun places our imagination can take us.
"Event Details - Just like we exercise our body for fitness, so does imagination need to be exercised for our wellbeing. These three fun sessions for adults will use different mediums to explore our imagination.
Tickets - Tickets are required for this free event."
To register, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/exploring-imagination-at-wonthaggi-library-tickets-1119459937809?aff=ebdssbcategorybrowse